IVPS Malaysia

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Yes. Valuation firms in Malaysia are being controlled by The Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia.

Yes, it is governed by the provisions of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981.

Professional fee is charged based on the Market Value and follow the Scale of Fee determined by The Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia.

For capital valuation/rating valuation services based on an “Improved Value” basis, the professional scale of fee as follows:-


0.250% on the first RM100,000/-

0.200% on the residual up to RM2,000,000/-

0.167% on the residual up to RM7,000,000/-

0.125% on the residual up to RM15,000,000/-

0.100% on the residual up to RM50,000,000/-

0.067% on the residual up to RM200,000,000/-

0.050% on the residual up to RM500,000,000/-

0.040% on the residual over RM500,000,000/-


For other purpose of valuation, the scale of fee can be referred to this link http://www.lppeh.gov.my/fees.html

Upon receiving instruction from client to proceed with valuation, a site visit needs to be conducted, which includes verification / planning checking / checking with relevant authorities / developers and title search at land office, before proceeding with the valuation reports.

Real Estate Agency and Investment


Stamp duty is a tax levied on a variety of written instruments specifies in the First Schedule of Stamp Duty Act 1949. In general term, stamp duty will be imposed to legal, commercial and financial instruments.

First RM100,000/-                         1%

Subsequent up to RM500,000/-    2%      

Subsequent up to RM1 mil            3%

Subsequent onwards               4% (only wef 1 January 2018 based on latest budget 2017)

Yes. Stamp duty exemption on instruments of transfer and loan agreement for first home ownership for the period 1 January 2017 till 31 December 2018.


House price < RM300,000            100% exempted

RM300,000 – RM500,000             100% exempted on the first RM300,000 and the balance at 2%

Step 1: Calculate the total of annual rental.


Step 2: Calculate the taxable rental. The first RM 2,400 of your annual rental is entitled for stamp duty exemption.


Step 3: For every RM 250 or part thereof in excess of RM 2,400, different rates will be applied to calculate the payable Stamp Duty according to tenancy period as following:-

-RM 1 will be charged for tenancy period 1 year or less;

-RM 2 will be charged for tenancy period more than 1 year but equal to 3 years or less than 3 years;

-RM 4 will be charged for tenancy period exceeding 3 years or more.

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